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The pirecorder package

pirecorder is a Python package with a number of inter-connected modules, developed with the aim to facilitate running controlled and automatic image and video recordings using optimal settings with the raspberry pi.

So far, researchers have often relied on writing their own recordings scripts to take still photographs and videos from the command line. Although so some specific software solutions exist, what was missing is a complete solution that helps researchers, especially those with limited coding skills, to easily set up and configure their raspberry pi to run large numbers of controlled and automated image and video recordings. pirecorder was developed to over come this need.

The package consists of a main PiRecorder module to run recordings, stream and camconfig modules for help setting up, calibrating, and configuring the camera, a schedule module for scheduling future recordings, and a convert module for the easy converting of (folders of) recorded images and videos.

A core component of pirecorder is that it uses configuration files and timeplans that can be easily called, modified, and stored by the user, with automatic naming of files and folders. pirecorder also works directly from the terminal without the need to code in Python (see this page and comes with detailed documentation and tutorials (this website). This also has the aim to further help people with limited coding experience to set up their raspberry pi and make controlled and automated recordings.

Table of contents

  1. Quick install
  2. Dependencies
  3. PiRecorder module
    1. Configuration file
    2. Recording modes
    3. Automatic file naming
  4. Other modules
  5. Development
  6. Citing
  7. License

Quick install

pirecorder can be easily installed with pip, which should already be automatically installed on your system. To install the latest release, simply open a terminal window and enter:

pip install pirecorder

To install the latest development version, enter:

pip install git+ --upgrade

See the quick usage guide for quickly getting you up and running or the setting-up your raspberry pi and installing pirecorder pages for more in-depth documentation and tutorials.


pirecorder is both Python 2.7 and 3 compatible. It builds strongly on the picamera package, uses numpy, pyyaml, and opencv for some of its core functionality, and relies on various utility functions of my pythutils package. The scheduling functionality is based on CronTab and the associated python-crontab package.

All dependencies are automatically installed with pirecorder except for:

  • OpenCV: has to be manually installed due to various dependencies on the raspberry pi. Click here for a quick install guide.
  • FFmpeg: is only needed for the convert functionality of pirecorder, so if you plan on using that functionality you should make sure it is installed. Click here for my guide to install it on raspberry pi and here for my guide to install it on OS X.

PiRecorder module

The main functionality of pirecorder is the PiRecorder module. This class initiates a PiRecorder instance that sets up the raspberry pi to record either A) a single image, b) a sequence of images, C) a single video, or D) a session of video recordings. When PiRecorder is run for the first time, it creates a “pirecorder” setup directory in the user’s home folder to store all relevant setup files. This includes the default configuration file (pirecorder.conf) with all recording and camera settings as well as a log file (pirecorder.log) that will store all terminal output when PiRecorder is used to help keep a history log of your recordings.

Configuration file

PiRecorder is set up in such a way that it is very easy to set and save custom recording and camera settings that are then automatically used for future recordings without further user input. Multiple configuration files can be created and called for specific recording settings and the configuration file(s) can be easily edited with any text editor as well as updated from the command line with the settings function.

A large number of custom recording parameters can be set, divided into 1) general user recording parameters, 2) camera settings, 3) video recording settings, 4) image recording settings, and 5) custom settings. A detailed overview and description of all the configuration settings can be found by calling print(pirecorder.PiRecorder.settings.__doc__) in Python and is explained in-depth in the configure recording settings and the configure camera settings guides.

Recording modes

There are four recording modes, which can be set with the rectype parameter:

  1. img: Records a single image with the custom settings.
  2. imgseq: Creates a controlled sequence of images (i.e. timelapse) based on A) the set duration (imgtime) and B) the set total number of images to be recorded (imgnr) and the provided time delay between images (imgwait).
  3. vid: Records a single video. Specific settings that can be set for this mode are vidfps (the framerate of the video), vidduration (the duration of the video), and viddelay (extra recording time in seconds that will be added to vidduration).
  4. vidseq: Starts a series of standardized videos using the custom settings whereby, after each recording has ended, the user is asked if a new recording should be started or the program should exit.

Automatic file naming

Files are automatically stored in the configured directory (recdir), by default a directory called recordings in the pirecorder directory, and named according to the provided label, the computer name, the date and time, and potentially the session number or image sequence number.

Other modules

In addition to the main recording module, pirecorder contains a number of modules to facilitate setting-up and configuring the raspberry pi camera, schedule future recordings, and convert recorded media:

  • stream: Opens a live video stream with user interface to calibrate the raspberry pi camera in terms of its position, focus, and region of interest (roi). For more detail, see the calibrate camera page.
  • camconfig: Opens a live video stream with user interface to dynamically, both manually and automatically, set the camera settings, including camera rotation, shutterspeed, whitebalance, iso, exposure compensation, brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness. For more detail, see the configure camera settings page
  • schedule: Automatically start image and video recording in the future according to custom recording schedules. For more detail, see the schedule recordings page.
  • convert: Convert (folders of) images or videos to videos with the option to resize, add timestamps on each frame, and monitor folders for automatic conversion. For more detail, see the convert media page.


pirecorder is developed by Dr Jolle Jolles, a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, and at the Zukunftskolleg, Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Konstanz. For more information about his work, see his academic website or his google scholar profile.

For an overview of version changes see the CHANGELOG and for detailed changes see the commits page.

Please submit bugs or feature requests to the GitHub issue tracker here.


If you use pirecorder in your research, please cite it as follows:

      title = {pirecorder: controlled and automated image and video recording with the raspberry pi},
      author = {Jolles, Jolle W.},
      year = {2019}
      url = {},
      doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2529515}


Released under a Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for details.